Our Favorite High Yield Junk Bond ETF'S
Our High Yield Junk Bond recommendations on 4/10/20 have really performed. It's been three months since we published our list of High Yield Junk Bond ETF'S.
We've got nice capital gains but will continue to hold for the dividends.
List of High Yield (Junk Bonds) ETF'S
Symbol Name Price as of 4/10 7/22 Yield
HYG i Shares HYB ETF 75 3/4 84.57 5.69 %
JNK SPDR Barclays HYB ETF 92.8 104.96 6.24 %
SJNK Barclays S/T HYB ETF 23.15 25.85 6.38 %
HYS Pimco HYB ETF 83.88 93.73 5. 3/4 %
USHY i Shares Broad HYB ETF 34.90 39.54 6.70 %
Stephen P. Vlahos
Performance Plus Advisors, Inc.